Medical Abortion

The option of taking medication to end a pregnancy as an alternative to a surgical procedure has been available in Australia now for many years.

Our doctors are registered providers of medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill. At Inner West Women’s Health, we offer the following:

Unplanned pregnancy medical advice and decision-making support

Finding out you are pregnant unexpectedly can be a very challenging time. It is important to get accurate, unbiased information regarding your options; continuing the pregnancy, adoption or abortion, so that you feel you have adequate information and support to make the decision for yourself.

The website Children by Choice has lots of helpful information and Family Planning NSW has a booklet to help you work through your options.

Medical Abortion

In order to provide a medical abortion safely, you will be required to have an ultrasound and blood tests. These can be arranged at your first appointment or can be ordered by a GP beforehand so you can bring the results with you, which usually means you only require one appointment. Medical abortion involves taking 2 different medications at separate times in a place you feel comfortable and safe. The medication used in Australia is packaged as MS2Step and needs to be prescribed by a doctor who has undertaken special training.

There is a lot of information to discuss at your appointment so it is often good to bring a support person along to help you remember all your questions or write them down. It is very important that you have a repeat blood test and follow-up consultation 1-2 weeks later. This can often be arranged as a telephone consultation. We are also keen to assist with contraception as well.

Please call our reception staff and they will explain the appointments and costs involved.


Cervical Screening