Period + Hormone Problems


For many people, periods can feel anything but ‘normal’. Pain, heavy bleeding and hormonal symptoms can often make managing a period difficult. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way.


Many people experience issues with their menstruation “periods”. Painful periods, heavy periods, irregular cycles or bleeding between periods or after sex are all important issues to see an experienced doctor about as sometimes these symptoms can indicate a serious medical condition. Just as important, however, is the negative ways they can affect your physical and emotional well-being! There are many options to help manage difficult periods. With careful medical assessment and explanation, you should be able to find something which can suit your needs.

Physical examination and a range of tests, including vaginal swabs, a blood test, and ultrasound, may be advised.

Several Apps (including Flo, Clue and My Calendar) are available to help keep track of bleeding, pain and hormonal symptoms which can be very useful when discussing with your doctor.

Hormone Problems

Hormones can be tricky things! Many people find that symptoms like headaches, acne or mood swings are linked to their period and hormone cycle. Understanding how hormones influence these issues allows us to consider the best ways to help control these symptoms, using, or avoiding hormone medications.


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